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EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR?
The abbreviation EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach based on the understanding of mental health as a person's ability to process incoming information form external and internal world in an adaptive way. When information is stored in a maladaptive way, it leads to the formation of various symptoms and psychopathology that cause clients to suffer in everyday life. Through EMDR therapy, the experiences that led to the formation of clinical symptoms and problematic behaviors are reprocessed, which processing leads to the disappearance of the client's symptoms and their complete recovery.

What does EMDR therapy help with?
This therapy has a very high effectiveness for quickly and permanently dealing with various mental disorders and conditions such as post-traumatic stress, phobias, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, problems related to self-esteem, as well as the processing of traumatic experiences such as loss, grief, accidents, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, physical and mental abuse and others.

How does EMDR work?

EMDR is a complex psychotherapeutic method that integrates a large part of the successful methods of many therapeutic approaches /psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal and body-oriented psychotherapy/ and combines them with eye movement which resembles the REM phase of sleep. In the REM phase the processing of experiences and memories occurs. This method works with the physiological information processing system, which like any other system in the human body strives for homeostasis and healing. This system processes emotionally traumatic information in a way that elicits an adaptive response in the person, supports associative processes and strengthens a person's resources. Processed memories no longer cause a strong negative emotional response and do not lead to discomfort in the person, but become part of a more adaptive system forming one's life experience.

Precisely because EMDR therapy supports this natural process of homeostasis, balancing and self-healing for each person, the results of the therapy are achieved extremely quickly even within a few sessions / events that are associated with complex trauma are processed over a longer period of time/.

EMDR therapy has a three-dimensional approach with a focus on past, present and future. In this way, the therapy helps the client to process maladaptively stored memories of the past, to overcome the factors of his current life that provoke stress and discomfort, and to strengthen his resources for successfully dealing with future situations.


What can you expect as a result of working with EMDR therapy?
As a result of working with this type of therapy, you can expect:
• Desensitization of emotional and physical discomfort
• Rapid improvement of symptoms and their disappearance in a shorter period compared to other therapeutic approaches
• Manifestation of insights thanks to activation and support of the memory processing system, through which internal associations are stimulated as well as blocked information and negative beliefs are released.
• Positive changes in your emotional and physiological status.
• Integrating life experience in a new, adaptive way that allows you to respond constructively in your daily live and use your available resources.


What is art therapy?
 Art therapy is a unique form of therapy that uses the creative process to improve a person's mental, emotional and physical well-being. While the traditional talk therapy /psychotherapy/ involves verbal communication between therapist and client, art therapy uses art as a means of expression. Art therapy reaches the client in a soft, gentle and subtle way while at the same time brings out from the depths of the soul and the unconscious the really important and valuable material to work with in the therapy session. During an art therapy session, the client comes to many insights and discovers about themselves many unconscious feelings and emotions that are revealed with the help of art.

Art therapy aims to promote self-awareness, emotional healing, personal growth and the exploration of inner experiences through the creative process. By creating images, pictures, stories or objects, clients begin to better understand their own thoughts, feelings, emotions and patterns, helping them to learn managing these feelings and patterns and find solutions to their problems. Art therapy focuses on the process of creating art as the very act of creation is therapeutic and relaxing.

What methods and techniques does art therapy use?
Various means of expression are used in art therapy - drawing, writing, dancing, singing, free movement of the body, active imagination, role-playing and others. Art therapy has a number of branches that explore a variety of expressive methods - Visual Arts, Music Therapy, Play Therapy, Sand Therapy, Story Therapy, Photo Therapy, Expressive Art Therapy. The therapist and the client then explore together the symbolism and meaning behind the client's creation and the meaning that this process and their work bring to themselves.

Advantages of art therapy:
Art therapy, compared to other therapeutic modalities, has advantages that outline its comprehensiveness and wide selection of techniques for expressing and alleviating the client's mental anguish. Among these benefits are:
Awareness through all the senses - thanks to art therapy, the client reaches deeper and more meaningful awareness that can experience through all their senses
Body awareness - The client's body actively participates in the therapeutic process. The client can use their body as a tool to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences.
The left and right hemispheres of the brain are simultaneously activated and the building of connections between them is strengthened, which helps to strengthen concentration, logical and abstract thinking, speed of thinking.
Imagination and projective thinking are developed, creativity and spontaneity are stimulated
Resistances to the therapeutic process are reduced, helping clients to achieve significant results in their therapy more quickly
The client has physical evidence (picture, image, verse, tale, melody, dance, sculptor) of their process, which enhances the effect of the therapy session and brings them meaning and comfort in the days and weeks following the session.
The method is flexible and applicable even under limited and difficult conditions.


What problems can art therapy help with?
Art therapy is an effective psychotherapy for a wide range of problems that a person may face. It is suitable for working with people with trauma, with problems in family relationships, problems in partner relationships, problems in relationships with children. Art therapy is also very useful when working with various anxiety disorders, depressive states, experiencing burnout, excessive stress, a major life change. A particularly suitable method for dealing with crises and experiences related to separation, divorce, widowhood, grief, serious illnesses, as well as during transitions /retirement, change of job, menopause, moving to another city or country, change of school/ and others.

What are the benefits of art therapy?
Art has the incredible power to speak the language of the soul, and in the field of therapy it becomes a canvas for healing and self-discovery. Here are the benefits of art therapy:
Expression beyond words - Art therapy provides a unique way to express feelings and emotions beyond our defined frameworks. For those who find it challenging to express their emotions verbally, the artistic scene becomes a space where they can share openly and freely and often surprise even themselves.
Reduce stress and increase relaxation – Artistic activities reduce stress and increase relaxation and calmness. Whether it's drawing, dancing or singing, creative pursuits become a practice to calm the mind and body and overcome anxiety.
Release of emotions and their channeling - Art therapy provides a safe space to release negative emotions and supports the smooth process of dealing with them and channeling them into productive energy.
Freedom of expression – Art therapy offers additional freedom in the way and methods of expressing your thoughts, feelings, ideas and experiences. Everything from the symbols, colors and themes used in the created art directs the therapist to the experiences and emotions of the client and gives a broader and richer perspective for dealing with the client's difficulties.
Art therapy can also be perceived as a creative session in which the client feels safe and shares his feelings and emotions, without the anxiety and discomfort that he could experience in a standard session with a psychologist.

Who is art therapy suitable for?
Art therapy is particularly suitable for people who experience difficulties with verbal expression, for people who have experienced severe traumas that are very difficult for them to talk about. Art therapy is also widely used when working with children, as it is very close to their way of perceiving the world and ability to think figuratively.
Art therapy is suitable for anyone who wants to get to know themselves better and solve their problems using the power of art. Art has been the natural way to communicate since the dawn of time. Even before the development of writing, primitive societies used prints, shapes, images and hieroglyphs to communicate with each other. These forms of expression are part of our biological heritage. Much of our thinking is visual, we think through images, we dream images, even our speech is influenced by images. Art is the language of our soul and through it, our soul speaks using all our senses. Let art therapy guide you in this process of hearing and getting to know your own soul.


Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling is a short-term form of help to the client, aimed at a specific problem for which the client is looking for a solution. The main goal of counseling is to help the client to make a behavioral change and to find a solution to the specific request with which he comes to the psychologist-consultant. Counseling focuses primarily on the present without delving too deeply into the client's past. Therapy, on the other hand, is a much longer process that focuses on looking at both the client's current situation and past events that led to the current development. A major goal of psychotherapy is to achieve deep change in clients personality.
In counseling, the psychologist may use more direct interventions that involve giving guidance to the client when needed. Counseling is an appropriate method when there are no serious psychological or psychosomatic symptoms and in the case of not particularly severe psychological problems related to relationships, temporary difficulties, change, crisis and others.


TEMAS is an acronym for "Tell me a story". TEMAS is a thematic apperceptive test developed to assess emotional and behavioral problems, intended for children and adolescents from 5 to 18 years of age. The multicultural projective methodology was developed in such a way that it allows a reliable assessment of the cognitive, affective, intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of the examined child. The test is based on the psychodynamic theory that people project unconscious material onto ambiguous stimuli, whereas normally this material is suppressed. TEMAS contains 23 colored stimulus canvases on which the child composes a story and the therapist evaluates the story according to predetermined criteria.

TEMAS is a dynamic-cognitive tool that provides valuable psychological data on:
• Assessment of emotional and behavioral problems in children.
• Gain a deep understanding of the child's difficulties and strengths.
• Problem-specific information to help develop a more accurate treatment plan and set therapeutic goals.
• Tracking progress in therapy and its results.


TEMAS is suitable for diagnosis and assessment of:
• Interpersonal relationships
• Aggression
• Anxiety/depression
• Motivation to achieve
• Delaying gratification
• Self-concept
• Sexual identity
• Reality testing
• Moral evaluation
• Imagination
• Connections
• Conflict
• Inappropriate affect


The test is adapted and standardized for the Bulgarian population.



Trainings are a great way for people to learn and experiment with new behaviors in a safe environment through play and role playing. Through the soft skills trainings people can learn and practice competences related to communication and presentation skills, skills for giving feedback, improving self-esteem, acquiring skills for stress management, time management, teamwork, leadership, taking decisions, negotiation and conflict resolution skills and more.
Group-dynamic trainings take into account the influence of the group and each of its members, thus optimizing the results of the learning process and achieving more lasting and deeper changes.

At this stage, you can enroll your child in a children's group for the development of emotional intelligence "Fairy Tale Emotions". The group represents a kind of fairy-tale journey in the world of emotions, which takes us through wonderful stories, unexpected turns, magical endings and shows us the way to ourselves, our desires and needs, shows us the key to creating successful relationships with others. Find out more...

If you are interested in other trainings, you can leave an inquiry in the contact form or contact me at the indicated contacts.

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